to Ascent Aspirations, edited by David Fraser. I received my copy of their newest print edition, AguaTerra, in the mail today, and am enjoying the poems within. One is mine! Yet part of the enjoyment of subscribing to various literary magazines, receiving chapbooks, attending workshops and retreats is the opportunity to hear, and read, the poems being offered by poets known and unknown across the country and in other lands. I commend this magazine to you: support poetry and order one from them. They are worth the read...also, delighted to hear from Amanda Earl today. She is the really terrific editor of bywords, and I am glad to know that one of my poems will be online with them for the December edition. Look for it after December 15.
I have spent the last couple of days downloading and sorting pictures from my journey. I thought you might like to have a glance at the one above, taken at Glenairley: our mentor, Patrick Lane, relaxed, his foot partially obscuring poet and prolific professor, David Pimm.
It was a very good time.