Monday, August 14, 2006


rob mclennan, chez moi. Photo is courtesy of Pearl Pirie.

Tonight, as always happens in the company of fine poets, I learned a new word.


It's the title of a new book by rob mclennan; I now have a signed copy...

after an evening here at home with rob, Amanda Earl, Jennifer Mulligan, and Pearl Pirie, who joined our family for burgers (thank you my husband the chef) and brownies (some with pecans, some without) and lots of conversation, the reading of poems (our own and others'), a little laughter, fullness.

If you ever have a chance to hear Ottawa poet rob mclennan read, do go and hear. When rob reads a poem, whether his own or someone else's, there's an uncanny quality of voice which brings the words alive on the page. I am very appreciative of this; would rather listen to a good poem well read than almost any music. Of course, some poems and music are song, but that's a different sing. A sound.




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